Ryerson Realty LLC

Wright Co Farm Land For Sale

If you are an investor and concerned about leasing a farm out in this area, feel free to call us. We have been in business for over 50 years and know those who are interested in more land.

Many types of lease are available. 

Lease backs for existing farmers.

Farms are active, we have a number of people interested in a 1031 tax free exchange.

Feel free to call or email ryerson@goldfieldaccess.net on any of these farms and I will be happy to mail you a packet of information. 

Michael Ryerson  cell 515-689-3728

                   Office 515-448-3079 

mikeryerson@hotmail.com for info 

Michael Ryerson  cell 515-689-3728

                   Office 515-448-3079 

mikeryerson@hotmail.com for info 

Parcel 1 - 50.34 Acres                     Parcel 2 - 50.32 Acres

​3 1/2 miles West of Goldfield

Wright Co Farm Land For Sale



Wright Co Land Auction (March 2023): 58.7 A Sec 22 EG Twp, 182.05 A Sec 33 Troy Twp, 81.47 A Sec 16 Liberty Twp, 119.5 A Sec 8 E.G Twp & 137.45 A Sec 5 & 8 E.G. Twp

143 Acres South of Kanawha

East of Clarion, IA to the intersection of Hwy 3 & 69, 1 ¼ South on Hwy 69 on East side of road.

48 Acres-3 miles West of Goldfield, IA on 210th St

​80 Acres- 2 miles Northeast of Goldfield

40 Acres 1-mile S of Clarion on Blacktop R-38 E on
240th St 2 miles and ½ mile S on Obrien Ave.
149 A M/L Located on Hwy 69 East of 1812 Hwy 69 Belmond 

77 Acres  Located on Hwy 69 on Co Line

​160 Acres Section 18 of Belmond Township

80 Acres Section 35 of Liberty Township

204 Acres Section 16 of Eagle Grove Township

104 Acres Section 29 of Lincoln Township


N 1/2 of the SE /14 except the W 12 rods & 8 1/2 ' thereof, & the E 102 acres on the N fractional 1/2, Sec. 2, T-97, R-27-W of the 5th PM.


130 Acres Section 2 of Lake Township

93 Acres M/L located in the SW ¼ of Section 26 T-92-N, R-27-W               Humboldt, County, IA


140 Acres  Ranch Home & Machine shed  1885 190th Webster City, IA

15 Acres of Section 6 Cass Township

Farms are selling, give us a call call. 1031 exchanges, down sizing, retirement we know the land.  Give me a call today.

Eugene L. Ryerson 515-689-3714

​Michael L Ryerson 515-689-3728

Wright County 40 acres of

Farmland for sale


Call Mike Ryerson for more information​       515-689-3728



Call Mike Ryerson for more information​       515-689-3728